877W wireless config
As mentioned earlier I would post my wireless configuration of the Cisco 877W router as soon as I got it to work the way I like. In this setup the commonly used IRB bridge option is not used. This configuration will also work on the 857W model.
! dot11 ssid
On the (outside) dialer0 interface I had to add the following line to enable NAT:
ip nat outside
And at last you’ll need the next ip nat and access-list lines to make it work:
ip nat inside source list 103 interface Dialer0 overload access-list 103 remark Traffic allowed to enter the router from the WLAN access-list 103 permit
You can use the show dot11 or debug dot11 commands to troubleshoot. For example, the following output displays a associated device:
router#show dot11 associations 802.11 Client Stations on Dot11Radio0: SSID [
Enjoy being wireless!