Zimbra Appliance upgrade

Nearly one year has past using Zimbra 8, so I decided it was time to upgrade the appliance from version 8.0.0_GA_5434 to the latest and greatest 8.0.4_GA_5737 by doing a clean install on a brand new VirtualBox vm. Call me crazy, but I’m a fan of clean installs. I like the smell of clean and it makes it mean again.
I chose the OVA ZCA package on the Zimbra website. This is just a GNU tar package, so I untarred it and imported the ovf file using the following:
VBoxManage import zca- \ --vsys 0 --vmname "zca804" \ --vsys 0 --eula accept \ --vsys 0 --cpus 1 \ --vsys 0 --unit 11 --ignore \ --vsys 0 --unit 14 --disk /data/virtualbox/vms/zca804/zca- \ --vsys 0 --unit 15 --disk /data/virtualbox/vms/zca804/zca- \ --vsys 0 --unit 16 --disk /data/virtualbox/vms/zca804/zca- \ --vsys 0 --unit 17 --disk /data/virtualbox/vms/zca804/zca- \ --vsys 0 --unit 18 --disk /data/virtualbox/vms/zca804/zca- \ --vsys 0 --unit 19 --disk /data/virtualbox/vms/zca804/zca- \ --vsys 0 --unit 20 --disk /data/virtualbox/vms/zca804/zca- \ --vsys 0 --unit 21 --disk /data/virtualbox/vms/zca804/zca- \ --vsys 0 --unit 22 --disk /data/virtualbox/vms/zca804/zca- VBoxManage modifyvm zca804 \ --memory 3072 \ --vrde on \ --vrdeauthtype null \ --vrdeport 3392
To summarize:
I did the single-node install. When asked for the hostname, be sure to enter the FQDN.
export DIR=/tmp/export mkdir $DIR zimbra@server:~$ for i in user1 user2; do /opt/zimbra/bin/zmmailbox -z -m $i@vleeuwen.net getRestURL "//?fmt=tgz" > "${DIR}/${i}.tgz"; done
Recreate the accounts on the new system. I used the provisioning command ‘zmprov ca’ and ‘zmprov ma’.
zimbra@server:~$ /opt/zimbra/bin/zmmailbox -z -m user1@vleeuwen.net postRestURL "//?fmt=tgz&resolve=reset" /tmp/user1.tgz
I ran into two issues:
- Time; make sure to sync the time (ntpdate) when dealing with certificates
- DNS; check if all DNS names you are using are registered and point to the correct mail server
My specs:
- Debian 7.1 (Wheezy)
- VirtualBox 4.2.18-88780
- Zimbra Appliance (zca-
Hope to enjoy this release for yet another year.