Oracle datapump status

During a import run of a +100GB Oracle database I was curious what the current progress was. I discovered you can press Ctrl+C to go to an interactive command mode during a import of export using datapump (impdp of expdp). In the interactive you can request the current status of the job(s). It is also possible to stop, start and resume jobs. For all options just type ‘HELP’. See the example below:
Import> status Job: SYS_IMPORT_FULL_02 Operation: IMPORT Mode: FULL State: EXECUTING Bytes Processed: 0 Current Parallelism: 1 Job Error Count: 0 Dump File: /usr/local/oracle/import/a01act-20140811-%u.dmp Dump File: /usr/local/oracle/import/a01act-20140811-01.dmp Dump File: /usr/local/oracle/import/a01act-20140811-02.dmp
So I’m almost halfway now.
To return to the logging mode: