XBMC Trakt addon issue
As a long time XBMC user I never had any issues, so I was a little bit disappointed because it won’t startup anymore. After an hour of digging it appears that I had disabled and uninstalled the trakt addon the last time I used XBMC, which was a few days ago. Starting up XBMC loads the home page and it starts to scan for new files and then it crashes suddenly over and over again. The xbmc log didn’t give any clues, so I had to enable debug mode to have more information. This is done by creating a file in the userdir directory named advancedsettings.xml:
Now starting XBMC results in the expected crash, but with a debug log which pointed out there was a problem with Trakt.
At that time I remembered removing Trakt from the installed addons. Doing a search in the userdir directory resulted in a positive hit on Trakt. By removing the Trakt addon it didn’t remove the following line from the file userdir/autoexec.py.
import time;time.sleep(5);xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.RunScript(special://home/addons/script.trakt/default.py,-startup)")
It looks like XBMC still tries to start Trakt. After removing this line XBMC started again.